Broken magicJack PLUS VoIP Phone Adapter.

Broken magicJack PLUS VoIP Phone Adapter. Usb power adapter is broken. No blue light

Problem: Broken USB power adapter. Cost $9 from ebay (probably more from manufacturer).
Fix: Purchased generic ipod/iphone usb wall charger for $3 from ebay (or buy from any reputable store).

Here is a video of my uncles magicJack PLUS. He said it stopped working. When I turned on the phone it was just silent. I looked at the magicJack and noticed that the box's blue light was not on. From time to time it would flash. I tried unplugging and trying in a different outlet, but I got the same result.

My next test was to plug into a USB connector on a PC. As soon as I did that, the magicJack was recognized by the PC and the box started to blink blue. That was good news. I went online to see if I could find a replacement USB adapter. The magicJack power USB adapter sells for about $9 on ebay.

So I then tried looking for just a 1amp 5volt usb adapter.
I just realized doing a search on ebay (less than $5):

It turns out, I can just use an ipod/iphone usb charger. Those things sell for cheap... If you shop around, you can find a generic adapter for $3. I found one for $4 and ordered it off of ebay.

The second part of this video is me plugging the MagicJack to the ipod/iphone usb charger. It works just fine. Same voltage and amperage. I tested the phone and everything works well. AWESOME!

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